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Animal Reproduction Centre is a family business where we have moved the love of animals to a professional level. In Budmerice, we opened a veterinary clinic for pets and a basis for our mobile laboratory focused on reproduction services for livestock.

We use our years of experience in veterinary care, knowledge and skills of animal reproductive health to the satisfaction of farmers in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Russia. In the veterinary clinic we provide veterinary services for all pets, especially for dogs and cats, and out of the clinic we focus on cattle, sheep, goats, red deer, fallow deer and mouflons. We use cutting-edge technologies in our work.

We have combined twenty years of experience of individual experts with innovative techniques in the field of biotechnology and veterinary medicine. We are honoured that we can forever draw on the experience and learning of people like doc. Ing. Vaclav Kulisek, CSc. and MVDr. Libor Čunát.



DVM. Zuzana Krchníková

Veterinarian specializing in andrology, reproductive technology, surgery, anesthesia and general practitioner for livestock and farmed game.


Jaroslav Pokorádi, Ph.D.

Biologist and geneticist with 20 years of experience in biotechnology techniques and andrology. He was one of the first to introduce reproductive health checks on farms in the EU and the Russian Federation, and was responsible for establishing the first insemination centre for deer, fallow deer and mouflon in the EU.

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MUDr. Soňa Peková, Ph.D.

Molecular biologist with whom ARC cooperates in the genetic identification of microorganisms, especially in severe reproductive problems and various infections. Her private laboratory Tilia is a world leader, both in terms of diagnostics and research, in the field of molecular genetics and molecular microbiology. Which ultimately helps in accurate diagnosis and treatment of the patient.


MVDr. Peter Cesnak

Veterinár a embryológ s viac ako 20-ročnou praxou, zaoberajúci sa rannou diagnostikou gravidity, embryotransferom a popôrodným ošetrením predovšetkým veľkých a malých prežúvavcov. Stojí za projektmi Slovak Aid v Mongolsku a Kazachstane, ktoré sa zaoberali zavádzaním nových biotechnológií do praxe. Pôsobil v Mongolsku, Kazachstane, Rusku, Srbsku a Maďarsku. 


Ing. David Hruška

Embryologist with many years of experience in the field of gynecological examination by ultrasound, embryo acquisition and embryo transfer, especially in large ruminants in the Czech Republic. He is one of the best embryologists in Central Europe in terms of the number of embryo and embryo transfer rates. In addition, he is involved in the transfer of knowledge at the Secondary School of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine in Lanškroun.


Doc. Ing. Radoslav Židek, PhD.

Expert na animálnu a humánnu genetiku, analýzy DNA a nutrigenomiku s 20 ročnou praxou. V našom ARC tíme pôsobí ako externý poradca a konzultant pre genetický servis pre našich klientov. Pomáha riešiť genetické problémy zvierat.


Ing. Mojmír Odstrčil

Veterinary technician and zootechnician with 20 years of experience. From the beginning, he has been part of our team, having completed several thousand ejaculate sampling of males from snakes to bulls. Many years of experience make it possible to work with animals without stress and in comfort (welfare condition) not only when taking ejaculate but also when handling different types of animals.

... and other co-workers, whom we thank and look forward to future joint projects.

We became a member of IDUBA!

IDUBA - The International Deer and wild Ungulate Breeders Association it is a unique international platform, where science, knowledges and experience meet together!


We are really glad that we became a member of IDUBA we can utilize our long-term experience and knowledge of deer, fallow deer and mouflon breeding under the renowned international patronage.

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